How can I help?

  • Raise awareness, speak to your children and teach them not to bully others just because they look different. Bullying does have a huge impact on hair loss conditions, but we are here for you. If you need a mood booster, or a hair system, contact us!
  • Sometimes hair donations are not enough which means we need to buy the hair and other materials. Prices vary based n length, hair colour and size of the hair piece. Sometimes the price can be over £800. The services are provided for free but in order to provide the materials we do need your help!If you are interested in Fundraising for us, contact us!
  • Having a haircut?
  • Your hair donations are important to us as the costs for the hair piece production are less. Donate your hair to us. A certificate will also be sent to you once the piece is received!
  • For more information on hair requirements click below!
  • Like and follow our page. Share our work and keep us in mind if you know an child or young lady that might need a free hairpiece. Spread our work on social media! It is a powerful tool that brings people closer and makes the ones in need happier!